Visit Huerta de la Obispalía | TCLM


Huerta de la Obispalía

Huerta de la Obispalía (Cuenca)GPS: 39.988800048828125, -2.478869915008545
The church and the castle preside over the town from the top of the hill
Huerta de la Obispalía

The hill on which this little village of the La Alcarria region sits, is the setting of a great and beautiful landscape that will captivate whoever come to visit it. At the peak we will be able to see the Castle of Huerta, of which just a few remains are preserved and is now private property, and the parish church of the Assumption


Its Renaissance church is from the 16th century, but it has many Gothic relics. For example, the buttresses that reinforce its entire rectangular structure, and a splayed window with mouldings in the choir. We will enter the church through a semicircular arch with heraldic decoration.

In the town we can see the Fuente Vieja (old fountain), from 1818, which is highly regarded by its townspeople. It has an ashlar body from which the pipes stick out, and a pair of crossed fish serve as decoration on its frame, toped by a crest between scrolls.


Free access to the church; the castle is private.


Among its hermitages, that of Saint Roch stands out, with a horseshoe arch excavated into the stones, which is related to an antique necropolis. We can also visit those of San Mamés and Fuensanta.

Huerta de la ObispalíaHuerta de la ObispalíaHuerta de la ObispalíaHuerta de la ObispalíaHuerta de la Obispalíamas
  • Huerta de la Obispalía
  • Huerta de la Obispalía
  • Huerta de la Obispalía
  • Huerta de la Obispalía
  • Huerta de la Obispalía
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