Visit Huete | TCLM



Huete (Cuenca)GPS: 40.145999908447266, -2.687309980392456
A crossroad of cultures

Huete exudes a lattice of cultures in its tradition and its signs, in the layout of its streets and the artistic performances that cast a spell on us. The triple angles of its social structure are felt in the town, in its neighbourhoods and its complicated structure. On the Huete census, there are references to the Aljama Jews and their contribution to the crown. The Mudejars also had a great presence, even more so than in the capital. The remaining presence that populated, built, inhabited and decorated its streets is, of course, Christian and it is the substratum of the city that we visit.

The Luna castle is erected over the town and paintings of its walls, sometimes more complete like the in Medina gate, are scattered around.

Many temples populate the town and amongst them the convent of Santa María de la Merced sticks out due to its size and importance. It is a tremendous Baroque-style building which doesn’t stand in prayer alone, given that it is close to the Jesus y María convent. Other temples will accentuate our visit and our perception of its art.

Various museums allow us to choose between art, culture or tradition. The palatial houses fill the streets enriching our visit and other civil works such as the granary, the clock tower or the Valdilongo aqueduct will complete the idea of this town which bids us farewell with the beauty of the Chopera gardens and inside they propose one last look at the San Sebastián chapel.


Access: N-400 CM-310 

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