Visit Church of the Assumption in Montalbanejo | TCLM


Church of the Assumption in Montalbanejo

Montalbanejo (Cuenca)GPS: 39.73310089111328, -2.5002799034118652
Its festival of short films joins current culture and rural life
Iglesia de la Asunción en Montalbanejo

72 km from Cuenca, this town belongs to the region of la Tierra de Alarcón. Its landscape is mostly flat, for its location on a plateau, but it offers the visitor lovely spots in which to rest and enjoy the tranquility, for example at the shores of its stream, el Vaina.


The main building in Montalbanejo is the church of Our Lady of the Assumption, which joins Gothic and Renaissance elements due to its construction during the 15th and 16th centuries. With a basilica floor plan of three naves, the joy of the temple is the altarpiece of the Main Altar, from 1564, which occupies the entire Main Chapel. It’s divided into three lengths and a loft, which adapts to the curve that the vault covering it makes. Its polychrome sculptures and upholsters make this altarpiece one of the most prominent sculptural ensembles from the Renaissance in the middle of the province. The mazonería is work of Diego de Villadiego and the sculpture by Diego de Tiedra.


The church is freely accessible. Don’t forget to respect the times dedicated to worship.


The noble houses that we can find walking along the streets calle de la Virgen, del Calvario and de la Iglesia. And its Festival of Short Films, celebrated in August, which for a few days fill this town with life and good films.


Iglesia de la Asunción en Montalbanejo Iglesia de la Asunción en Montalbanejo Iglesia de la Asunción en Montalbanejo mas
  • Iglesia de la Asunción en Montalbanejo
  • Iglesia de la Asunción en Montalbanejo
  • Iglesia de la Asunción en Montalbanejo
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