Visit Church of Our Lady of the Tabernacle in Las Majadas | TCLM


Church of Our Lady of the Tabernacle in Las Majadas

Las Majadas (Cuenca)GPS: 40.29570007324219, -2.0218100547790527
Visit this town, a natural paradise
Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Sagrario en Las Majadas

The town of Las Majadas, in the high-sierras of Cuenca, has traditionally been a ranching and forestry town that for some years has become a necessary destination for lovers of rural tourism, nature, and adventure sports.

This cold mountain town is 38 km from the capital and has amongst its most precious assets its natural landscapes such as “Callejones de las Majadas” a product of the erosion of its mountains, la Fuente de la Tía Perra, El Cerviñuelo, and the Hunting Park of El Hosquillo. In addition to enjoying its nature, the visitor will find in its parish church a beautiful Renaissance temple.


The atrium at the entrance of the church, dedicated to Our Lady of the Tabernacle, stands out. We enter through a semicircular arch to the interior, a single nave with hall design. We concentrate on the ceiling of polychromed jointed rafters, one of the best in the province, and on its altarpiece in which we find some icons of the Orthodox tradition, made by one of the parish priests of the church, Don Anastasio Martínez.


Freely accessible, respecting the hours of worship.


Enjoy its most famous tradition, celebrated the night of the 2nd to 3rd of May, known as the Cruz de Mayo (cross of May). The townspeople and foreigners are invited to congregate this night around a bonfire and sing the traditional mayo of the town. The evening event is made more special with wine and roasted potatoes. 

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  • Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Sagrario en Las Majadas
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