Visit Church of Saint Peter | TCLM


Church of Saint Peter

Ciudad Real (Ciudad Real)GPS: 38.98440170288086, -3.9265599250793457
The Gothic jewel of Ciudad Real
Iglesia de San Pedro

Located barely 300 meters from the Main Square of Ciudad Real, the Church of Saint Peter is one of the most prominent temples for its historic-artistic value. Its construction began in the later half of the 14th century and was not finished until the 15th century (although subsequent work has been constant).

It is a temple with three naves separated by robust pillars and pointed arches, with a seven-sided apse covered by a ribbed vault, and three funerary chapels of which the chapel of Don Fernando Alonso de Coca, chaplain of the Catholic King and Queen, located in the nave on the right, especially stands out. Within the chapel we find two exceptional alabaster pieces: an altarpiece dedicated to Our Lady of Loretto and a sepulcher that can stylistically be connected to Master Sebastián of Toledo. The exterior has a very simple tower that has undergone many retouches and three entrances, although the most interesting of these is the one that is at the foot of the church (the Door of Forgiveness).


Free entrance.


From April to September:

*    Weekdays: mornings 11:15-12:00 (July to September closed); evenings 20:00-20:30.

*    Saturdays: mornings 11:15-12:00 (July to September closed); evenings 19:00-19:30.

*    Sundays and holidays: open all morning for worship services; evenings 20:00-20:30.

From October to March:

*    Weekdays: mornings 11:15-12:00; evenings 19:30-20:00.

*    Saturdays: mornings 11:15-12:00; evenings 18:30-19:00 and 19:30-20:00.

*    Sundays and holidays: open all morning for worship services; evenings 19:30-20:00.


Gómez Bárcena, M. J., Moreno Alcalde, M. P., “La capilla funeraria de don Fernando de Coca en la iglesia de San Pedro de Ciudad Real” enAnales de la Historia del Arte,nº 9, 1999, pp. 67-89.

Sainz Magaña, E., Almarcha Núñez-Herrador, E., Herrera Maldonado, E.,Ciudad Real y su provincia, Vol. 3, Gever, Sevilla, 1996.

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Iglesia de San Pedro (Ciudad Real)Iglesia de San Pedro (Ciudad Real)Iglesia de San Pedro (Ciudad Real)Iglesia de San Pedro (Ciudad Real)Iglesia de San Pedro (Ciudad Real)Iglesia de San Pedro (Ciudad Real)Iglesia de San Pedro (Ciudad Real)Iglesia de San Pedro (Ciudad Real)Iglesia de San Pedro (Ciudad Real)Iglesia de San Pedro (Ciudad Real)Iglesia de San Pedro (Ciudad Real)Iglesia de San Pedro (Ciudad Real)Iglesia de San Pedro (Ciudad Real)Iglesia de San Pedro (Ciudad Real)Iglesia de San Pedro (Ciudad Real)mas
  • Iglesia de San Pedro (Ciudad Real)
  • Iglesia de San Pedro (Ciudad Real)
  • Iglesia de San Pedro (Ciudad Real)
  • Iglesia de San Pedro (Ciudad Real)
  • Iglesia de San Pedro (Ciudad Real)
  • Iglesia de San Pedro (Ciudad Real)
  • Iglesia de San Pedro (Ciudad Real)
  • Iglesia de San Pedro (Ciudad Real)
  • Iglesia de San Pedro (Ciudad Real)
  • Iglesia de San Pedro (Ciudad Real)
  • Iglesia de San Pedro (Ciudad Real)
  • Iglesia de San Pedro (Ciudad Real)
  • Iglesia de San Pedro (Ciudad Real)
  • Iglesia de San Pedro (Ciudad Real)
  • Iglesia de San Pedro (Ciudad Real)
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