Visit Church of Saint Peter the Apostle in Novés | TCLM


Church of Saint Peter the Apostle in Novés

Novés (Toledo)GPS: 40.047698974609375, -4.271440029144287
Novés, and the beautiful chapel of los Dolores
Iglesia de San Pedro Apóstol en Novés

Its name, from the Latin root “novum”, means puebla nueva (new village) and connects the beginnings of Novés with the time of the Christian repopulation of these lands. Currently, it belongs to the region of la Tierra de Torrijos and its proximity to Toledo capital, only 36 km, makes it an easy destination for the traveler who wants to see its beautiful Gothic-in-transition-to Renaissance church, dedicated to Saint Peter the Apostle.


In the church, the highlight is the chapel of Nuestra Señora de los Dolores (Our Lady of Sorrows), with a square design and connected to the church via a large pointed arch. In it, we can admire a magnificent forged lattice from the 16th century, which, like the rest of the church, is Gothic-Renaissance style. The rest of the church also displays the constructive elements appropriate to this time period of transition.


Free access, respecting the hours of worship.


Upon leaving the town in direction to Maqueda, you can visit the ruins of an ancient construction: a snow well; and the hermitage of Our Lady of la Monjía. 

Iglesia de San Pedro Apóstol en NovésIglesia de San Pedro Apóstol en Novés Iglesia de San Pedro Apóstol en Novés Iglesia de San Pedro Apóstol en Novés Iglesia de San Pedro Apóstol en Novésmas
  • Iglesia de San Pedro Apóstol en Novés
  • Iglesia de San Pedro Apóstol en Novés
  • Iglesia de San Pedro Apóstol en Novés
  • Iglesia de San Pedro Apóstol en Novés
  • Iglesia de San Pedro Apóstol en Novés
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