Visit Church of Saint Mary Magdalene in Valdeavellano | TCLM


Church of Saint Mary Magdalene in Valdeavellano

Valdeavellano (Guadalajara)GPS: 40.664798736572266, -2.9697399139404297
Its church is a living example of the Romanesque decorative elements
Iglesia de Santa María Magdalena en Valdeavellano

This small Alcarreña town is located on the meadow of the Tajuña river valley and it is easily accessed from the provincial capital. The inhabitants of Valdeavellano are proud to show their visitors the pillory in the Main Square, declared an Asset of Cultural Interest in the category of monument, formed by a column of the Tuscan order with a striated shaft and the capital with four lion heads.


The highlight of this town is the Romanesque church of Saint Mary Magdalene, later reformed in the 16th and 17th centuries. It preserves the semicircular apse with two small windows and a cornice decorated with brackets. Six semicircular archivolts form the South facade of the temple, which is also decorated with other typical Romanesque elements such as the zigzag moulding and interlacements. The capitals are also intriguing because in addition to plant motifs, there are two with figurative decorations. Specifically, a shepherd playing the flute surrounded by goats, and another with a goat and a dog up in a tree. Inside, we will find more Romanesque elements in the baptismal font and in the paintings on the beams of the high altar with plant decoration, scrolls and figurative themes of men at battle, musicians, etc,… All done in the 13th century.


Free access; ensure to respect the hours of worship.


The townspeople are equally as proud of the other religious buildings, such as their hermitages of the Virgin of Solitude, on the road to Atanzón, and that of Saint Roche, behind the church. From here we can take a path that leads us to another hermitage, that of Santo Cristo, nowadays abandoned and without worshipers. 

Iglesia de Santa María Magdalena en Valdeavellanomas
  • Iglesia de Santa María Magdalena en Valdeavellano
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