Visit Church of Saint James | TCLM


Church of Saint James

Ciudad Real (Ciudad Real)GPS: 38.990299224853516, -3.925529956817627

The Church of Saint James, located in the center of the neighborhood known as perchel, is the oldest temple of those existing in Ciudad Real since it preserves remains from the first construction from the 13th century, although the majority of the construction is from the 14th century (with additions from the 15th and 16th centuries).

The exterior of the building impresses us with the simplicity of its masonry walls and the size of its solid bell tower, but, without a doubt, what really attracts the attention of all who visit it is its interior space. It is a church with three naves separated by large decorated pillars topped with a magnificent wooden mudejar framework that dates to the last third of the 14th century. Moreover, in the apse we find a curious painting of the apocalyptic dragon in red and blue tones that, together with other remains of mural paintings that we find on the lateral walls of the temple, make up one of the most interesting pictorial ensembles of the province.


Free entrance.

From Abril to September:

*    Weekdays: mornings 12:00-12:30 (July and August closed); evenings 19:45

*    Saturdays: mornings closed; evenings 19:00-19:30 and 20:00-20:30

*    Sundays and holidays: mornings open for worship beginning at 11:30; evenings 19:00-19:30

From October to March:

*    Weekdays: mornings 12:00-12:30; evenings 19:00-19:30

*    Saturdays: mornings closed; evenings 18:00-18:30 and 19:00-19:30

*    Sundays and holidays: mornings open for worship beginning at 11:30; evenings 19:00-19:30


Sainz Magaña, E., Almarcha Núñez-Herrador, E., Herrera Maldonado, E.,Ciudad Real y su provincia, Vol. 3, Gever, Sevilla, 1996.

Sánchez-Migallón Jiménez, T., “Artesonados mudéjares en la provincia de Ciudad Real. Descripción gráfica” en Alía Miranda, F., (Dir.), Anaya Flores, J. (Dir.), Mansilla Plaza, L. (Dir.), Sánchez Lillo, J. (Dir.),II congreso nacional Ciudad Real y su provincia, Instituto de Estudios Manchegos, Ciudad Real, 2016, pp. 230-255.

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  • Iglesia de Santiago (Ciudad Real)
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