Visit Mudejar Church of Saint John the Baptist in Gálvez | TCLM


Mudejar Church of Saint John the Baptist in Gálvez

Gálvez (Toledo)GPS: 39.70000076293945, -4.266670227050781
Visit its mudejar style church
Iglesia mudéjar de San Juan Bautista en Gálvez

At the edge of the Montes de Toledo we find the town of Gálvez, which, like letters of introduction, presents its City Hall and Church Plazas, the latter dominated by its lovely temple dedicated to Saint John the Baptist, and united by a boulevard in which we will find the house of el Indiano, from the 14th century.

A historical fun fact to note is that this town was chosen by Carlos V to spend his last days away from political life, passing the torch to his son Philip II. However, its proximity to Toledo impeded him from realizing his dream of rest.


In the interior of the church you can admire a beautiful granite baptismal font and its lovely mudejar coffered ceiling of polychrome wood. Outside, the visitor can see its important tower, built with masonry and brick, and at the top a lovely bellower that is sure to fascinate.


Open access, respecting the hours of worship.


If we continue in the Church Plaza, we can see the Strong House, or Palace of Juan Manuel, which belonged to the Lords of Gálvez. We can also visit the 18th century Baroque City Hall, and the Old Schools from 1903 with a historicist neo-mudejar style. Integrated within its urban areas we will find the hermitage of Our Lady of Sorrows, which boasts a beautiful semicircular dome. 

Iglesia mudéjar de San Juan Bautista en GálvezIglesia mudéjar de San Juan Bautista en Gálvezmas
  • Iglesia mudéjar de San Juan Bautista en Gálvez
  • Iglesia mudéjar de San Juan Bautista en Gálvez
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