Visit Parish Church of Saint Michael the Archangel in Fuentelviejo | TCLM


Parish Church of Saint Michael the Archangel in Fuentelviejo

Fuentelviejo (Guadalajara)GPS: 40.52539825439453, -2.9837300777435303
Fuentelviejo, a balcony above la Alcarria
Iglesia parroquial de San Miguel Arcángel en Fuentelviejo

On the border of Guadalajara we find this lovely Alcarreño town of Fuentelviejo, seated upon a beautiful lookout and at the shores of the Tendilla stream. The dreamlike place in was described by Cela in his travelogue “Vijaes a la Alcarria” (Journey to the Alcarria), and here we should stop to visit the parish church of Saint Michael, a 16th century building with extraordinary beauty inside.


The church is found in a beautiful space, on the edge of a spur of the land. Inside, the tourist can admire the ovoli baptismal font from the 16th century and the altarpieces of Saint Dominic and the Cristo de la Salud. In the Main Chapel the Renaissance paintings of the altarpiece stand out; its recent restoration has recovered their color and beauty. In them, we can see scenes of the life of Jesus, among other themes. 


Freely accessible, respecting hours of worship.


Other constructions stand out, such as the fountain and washing station, at the edge of town. And next to the cemetery, the hermitage of the Virgin of Solitude from the 17th century.

Iglesia parroquial de San Miguel Arcángel en FuentelviejoIglesia parroquial de San Miguel Arcángel en FuentelviejoIglesia parroquial de San Miguel Arcángel en Fuentelviejomas
  • Iglesia parroquial de San Miguel Arcángel en Fuentelviejo
  • Iglesia parroquial de San Miguel Arcángel en Fuentelviejo
  • Iglesia parroquial de San Miguel Arcángel en Fuentelviejo
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