Visit Romanesque Church of Saint Andrew in La Frontera | TCLM


Romanesque Church of Saint Andrew in La Frontera

La Frontera (Cuenca)GPS: 40.401798248291016, -2.216900110244751
La Frontera displays the 13th century Romanesque in its church
Iglesia románica de San Andrés, en La Frontera

The lovely town of la Frontera is located in the vicinity of the la Alcarria region of Cuenca, 43 km from Cuenca. Its name (la frontera- border) comes from its border location in the time of the repopulation of these territories. It was between Alfonso VI’s troops and Arab lands.

Currently, it is an ideal destination for an escape since its proximity to the capital makes it very easy to come and discover its architectural treasures, such as the Church of Saint Andrew.


This church of Romanesque origin from the 13th century has its main facade on the South side, under a beautiful gabled porch on stone columns with square capitals. The plant decoration in the stone is difficult to see due to the wearing down of it. The entrance to the church will transport the visitor to the Middle Ages. In the nave, the Romanesque baptismal font is highlighted, topped with plant motif decoration with meanders from the previous era and paintings of Saint Peter, Saint Andrew, Saint John the Evangelist, and Saint Mark.


Freely accessible, respecting the hours of worship.


In the town we will also find beautiful civil constructions such as the house of the Marquis, noble house of the Marquis of Palacios. And next to the cemetery, the hermitage of Our Lady of Bethlehem, greatly venerated in the area, topped with a lovely Baroque cupola on pendentives. 

Iglesia románica de San Andrés, en La Fronteramas
  • Iglesia románica de San Andrés, en La Frontera
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