Visit The cave of Doña Catalina de Cardona in Casas de Benítez | TCLM


The cave of Doña Catalina de Cardona in Casas de Benítez

Casas de Benítez (Cuenca)GPS: 39.36130142211914, -2.130929946899414
Visit the cave church in the hamlet of El Carmen
La cueva de Doña Catalina de Cardona en Casas de Benítez

The terrain of Casas de Benitez is peculiar because it is formed by red earth and clay soil with a superficial covering of pebbles, a result of the millenary passing of the Júcar River through the land. Located to the South of the province of Cuenca, in the region of la Manchuela, in its urban center we’ll find the parish church of San Ginés, and in its surrounding areas, numerous hamlets that dot this beautiful and peaceful landscape. We recommend a visit to El Carmen, which holds a unique historic monument.


The prize of our visit to this small hamlet will be to discover the Cave of Doña Catalina de Cardona and, in it, its small cave church. In addition to the church, there are preserved remains of a 16th century Convent of Barefoot Carmelites, which was mentioned in the book “The Foundations” by Saint Teresa of Ávila (St. Teresa of Jesus).


Open access.


A visit to the rest of the districts that form this municipality in order to continue discovering their treasures. The most famous is La Losa, located in the meadow of the Júcar River. In addition to being interesting for its quality of nature, here they filmed various scenes of the Pedro Amodóvar movie “Volver”.

Cueva de Doña Catalina de Cardona. Casas de Benítez.Cueva de Doña Catalina de Cardona. Casas de Benítez.Cueva de Doña Catalina de Cardona. Casas de Benítez.mas
  • Cueva de Doña Catalina de Cardona. Casas de Benítez.
  • Cueva de Doña Catalina de Cardona. Casas de Benítez.
  • Cueva de Doña Catalina de Cardona. Casas de Benítez.
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