The house which keeps the museum dates back to 1917. It is a glazed balcony with a bourgeois and cultured air and French furniture. Emerged in the 20s, it is an art déco example which was about join together the constructivism, cubism and futurism.
Elisa Cendrero gave up this house and its furniture to become a museum. Inside, period furniture, an important painting collection, ethnographic items and others can be contemplated, being remarkable the amazing fan collection from 17th to 19th centuries and ceramics from the 17th century.
The funds of the Local Archive which have documents from 13th to 19th centuries are noteworthy.
This archive keeps the historical local documents. It has a reading room and a document deposit where they preserved the entire documental Corpus from 1255 (the city creation) to 1900, except the Local Acts, which are in the City Hall. We must remark as a special document the Local Charter of the City Creation (1255), granted by Alfonso X The Wise.
*Temporarily closed for remodeling.
Telephone: (+34) 926227462
Pictures: Deciudadreal