Visit Plaza in Galve de Sorbe | TCLM


Plaza in Galve de Sorbe

Galve de Sorbe (Guadalajara)GPS: 41.222599029541016, -3.183609962463379
Visit this town with an extensive noble tradition
Plaza de Galve de Sorbe

112 km separate this town of the northern sierra from its capital. You will arrive to it if you are doing the Romanesque Route or the Black Architecture Route because it is a stop in both cases. In its day it was the property of the Infante Don Juan Manuel and the Counts of Galve, among other noble houses, which have contributed in highlighting the beauty of the municipality, with its Main Square as the starting point. A curious fact to add is that presently the title of Counts of Galve belongs to Their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain.


The Main Square, with a typical mountain style construction, is the neurological center of the town. Here we can see the pillory from the 16th century, declared an Asset of Cultural Interest, and the building of the Town Council, porticoed in the Castilian style. In addition to illustrious large houses from the 18th century.


Open access.


Visit the hermitages of Saint Anthony, that of the Virgin of Solitude, and that of Our Lady of Pinar, all of delicate beauty. Also, the castle, declared Asset of Cultural Interest, in which you can appreciate the traditional architecture of Don Juan Manuel, witness to the history of this town.

Plaza Mayor de Galve de SorbeGalve de Sorbemas
  • Plaza Mayor de Galve de Sorbe
  • Galve de Sorbe
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