Visit Salmerón | TCLM



Salmerón (Guadalajara)GPS: 40.5447998046875, -2.494119882583618
The town will surprise you with a beautiful triangular plaza

At a high point above the left bank of the Valmediano River we’ll find this Alcarreña town, which we can easily access from Guadalajara crossing the Entrepeñas reservoir on the N-320 highway. With a little more than 200 inhabitants, this town offers its visitors a unique Main Square and a parish church with interesting chapels inside that should not be missed.


What is curious about its plaza is the triangular shape that it has, but otherwise the Castilian style reigns in the buildings that surround it, among them the City Hall, with porticoes and a central tower that holds the clock and a pair of crests. The apse of the church also stands out in this plaza. The building was constructed between the 14th and 15th centuries. The door at the foot of the church is formed by a rounded arch with two archivolts and the busts of Saint John the Baptist, Saint Peter, Saint Bartholomew, and Saint Paul. There is another door on the North side with pilasters, and an attic with a niche and two shields. Inside, two chapels stand out, one Gothic from the 16th century and the other Baroque from the 17th century, as well as various metalworks and vestments from the same time period.


Access is open to the public, making sure to respect the mass schedule.


On the road to Alcocer we can visit the hermitage of Our Lady of the Port which occupies the place of an old Augustine monastery from the 14th century.

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