Visit Tower of Bayuela | TCLM


Tower of Bayuela

Castillo de Bayuela (Toledo)GPS: 40.10240173339844, -4.693009853363037
Interpretation Center of the sierra of Saint Vincent
Torre de Bayuela

This fortress has evidence that dates it to the Bronze Age, during which there was a walled fort built here. Inside we find the Interpretation Center of the Sierra of Saint Vincent, which will make our visit very interesting, being able to understand in depth the historical and natural heritage of the region.


In place of a castle as such, we find a medieval walled enclosure. The Muslim tower, with a circular floor plan, from the 10th century saw various additions, until it was converted into what is now the Chapel of Our Lady of the Castle.

The peak upon which it sits had in the Middle Bronze Age a walled fort, as the necropolis found in the nearby Cerro de Calamocho attests, and one of the biggest anthropomorphic steles preserved in the Peninsula.


The Interpretation Center is open from 10:00-17:00. Free entrance. More information attelephone 925 862 197.


In Castle of Bayuela we can see Vetton verracos (boars) - animal sculptures similar to the Bulls of Guisando - that were created by the Vettones, before Roman rule in Hispania. 

Castillo de BayuelaCastillo de BayuelaCastillo de Bayuelamas
  • Castillo de Bayuela
  • Castillo de Bayuela
  • Castillo de Bayuela
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