Visit Villaconejos de Trabaque | TCLM


Villaconejos de Trabaque

Villaconejos de Trabaque (Cuenca)GPS: 40.399898529052734, -2.318389892578125
Town and wine caves separated by the river
Villaconejos de Trabaque

The la Alcarria region, province of Cuenca guards a treasure just 49 km from its capital called Villaconejos de Trabaque. The town extends along the two shores of the Trabaque River; on one side the town, and on the other the famous wine caves. Its natural beauty, with water willows along the banks, is the ideal complement to the urban area of this town, in which we recommend that the traveler visit the church of Saint John the Baptist and the hermitage of the Conception, both of which the almost 500 inhabitants are very proud.


Within the urban ensemble of Villaconejos, two religious constructions stand apart from the rest of the houses. The first is the church of Saint John the Baptist, in between Baroque and Renaissance in style, although the prior dominates. Dated between the end of the 15th and beginning of the 16th centuries, it has a beautiful bell gable topped with pinnacles with balls and three hollows for the bells. If you enter, you can see the three naves of the church, the central one covered by a vault with tiercerons. At the front of the church, its precious golden and polychrome walnut wood altarpiece from the 18th century stands out. It was donated to the church by a family from la Rijoa Alavesa. In second place, the visitor will be captivated by the Baroque hermitage of the Conception, with beautiful gardens at the entry. The main door is protected by a porch with a semicircular arch that leads to the interior, which is a solitary nave covered by a barreled vault. The presbytery itself is covered by a cup

la over pendentives decorated in the Churrigueresque style. We are sure that this collection will leave a pleasant memory in the mind of the visitor.


Open access, respecting the hours of worship. If you find it closed, inquire at the City Hall.


Opposite the houses of the town are the wine caves, which are arranged in tiers and built into the hillside. The entry is a stone semicircular arch, inside there are small rooms where the wine is conserved. There are some that also served as living spaces. Lastly, relax from your visit by contemplating the views of the Trabaque River and its willows, knowingly taken care of by the townspeople. 

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  • Villaconejos de Trabaque
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