We find this town in the region of la Alcarria next to the high mountain range of Cuenca and bordering the province of Guadalajara. Various regional roads facilitate getting here, so the traveler has no excuse not to come and see its singular urban area, where less than 20 people live, and its parish church dedicated to the Assumption.
The town occupies the narrow and deep Vindel River Valley and maintains its original urban complex and medieval layout, with interesting examples of traditional architecture combined with the lush vegetation that the river provides. The streets, arranged from North to South, join at the Main Square, presided over in the center by a fountain and an Elm. In the most Northern part of the town we’ll find the church of the Assumption, from the 15th century. Its main door belongs to the late Gothic, or Isabelline, era and is formed by a rounded arch with voussoirs and a plinth with horizontal moulding. In front of the door there is a tree-lined atrium, one of the most beautiful in the town, and a three-bodied tower. Inside, one solitary nave is the main feature of the church hall floor plan with choir at the entrance.
The urban center, as well as the church, is freely accessible. Only, make sure to respect the hours of worship.
The traditional houses of Vindel have a characteristic element which is that the eaves of the roofs are very projected and decorated with paintings, something typical in other towns of the area as well, like in Recuenco. If you want to see an example, you’ll find one at the house of los Abetos, with eaves formed by several shingled rows and decorated tiles.