Visit Cerro de las Cabezas visiting site | TCLM


Cerro de las Cabezas visiting site

Valdepeñas (Ciudad Real)GPS: 38.70750045776367, -3.421679973602295

On a plateau near to Valdepeñas, the Iberians found a natural defensive enclave that would be impenetrable for settlement and refuge, disposing of the river Jabalón as a moat. That is how this city was born. It is named Oppida and the excavations have been able to discover almost all of it.

Human intervention reinforced the hill’s natural defences, where we can discover a proto-urban distribution with streets, housing and communal areas of a town that hadn’t been introduced to Roman civilisation. Its surface area of 140,000 square-metres at 850 metres high maintains its walls, strongholds, towers and gates.

The site also has a magnificent interpretation centre in which the natural landscape upon which the city grew, the discovered potter’s house, its monumental architecture or the death rituals of the Iberians are all explained in a didactic and entertaining way. It also has a library and conference room.


Free entrance.

Arrival by the A-4 Madrid-Cádiz motorway at km. 208.

Information on opening times:

For more information go to the Tourist Information Office in Valdepeñas: Plaza España, s/n. Telephone number:  926 312 552.

Yacimiento Arqueológico Cerro de las CabezasYacimiento Arqueológico Cerro de las CabezasYacimiento Arqueológico Cerro de las CabezasYacimiento Arqueológico Cerro de las CabezasYacimiento Arqueológico Cerro de las CabezasYacimiento Arqueológico Cerro de las CabezasYacimiento Arqueológico Cerro de las CabezasYacimiento Arqueológico Cerro de las CabezasYacimiento Arqueológico Cerro de las Cabezasmas
  • Yacimiento Arqueológico Cerro de las Cabezas
  • Yacimiento Arqueológico Cerro de las Cabezas
  • Yacimiento Arqueológico Cerro de las Cabezas
  • Yacimiento Arqueológico Cerro de las Cabezas
  • Yacimiento Arqueológico Cerro de las Cabezas
  • Yacimiento Arqueológico Cerro de las Cabezas
  • Yacimiento Arqueológico Cerro de las Cabezas
  • Yacimiento Arqueológico Cerro de las Cabezas
  • Yacimiento Arqueológico Cerro de las Cabezas
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