Visit Zafra de Záncara | TCLM


Zafra de Záncara

Zafra de Záncara (Cuenca)GPS: 39.8916015625, -2.5552899837493896
A village adapted to the terrain
Zafra de Záncara

Belonging to the la Mancha region, but very close to that of la Alcarria, we find this lovely town dispersed along a steep slope of the Zafra Mountain range. Well connected to the capital, which is only 55 km away, Zafra de Záncara offers its visitors an urban setting of great interest for its gradient, a lovely church that also had to adapt its architecture to the hillside and a nice example of noble houses of long ago.


We should keep in mind when making this journey to the urban area that it is on a fairly high and very steep hill. Below this hill flows the Záncara and Tagus-Segura diversion, and spread along the hillside is the hamlet, making way for alleyways, stairs and nooks that give an ambiance of great value. Throughout these streets we will see Manchegan houses with whitewashed walls and adapted to the topography of the town.

This same adaptation had to be kept in mind when building the church of the Assumption in the 16th century. Depending on the side on which we look at it, we’ll have to go down or up to the church’s ground level. This makes the tower barely protrude from the top of the church and seems a bit stunted. Inside, there are only two naves and a lovely Baroque altarpiece with three panels. Lastly, we must talk about the Palacio del Rusiano ,a large building connected to Don Fernando Casado and his victories in Russia, hence the name. It was built in the 18th century. Without doubt, although it can be a little tiring, it is worth walking around this Manchegan town.


The church is freely accessible, respecting the hours of worship. For the palace, inquire at City Hall.


The remains of its ancient fortress are, as is common, in the most elevated part of the town. It had Muslim origins, although in the 15th century it was renovated by the Marquis of Villena. It barely preserves the square tower and some remains of the curtain wall. And to rest and refresh yourself after the walk, ask for the Fuente de las Losillas decorated with lovely geometric forms and enjoyed by the local people

Zafra de ZáncaraZafra de Záncaramas
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