Restaurante Venta (Inn) del Quijote . Gastronomy


Restaurante Venta (Inn) del Quijote

Puerto Lápice (Ciudad Real)
926 576 110
GPS: 39.32080078125, -3.479180097579956

Various bedrooms have been equipped as dining rooms, with fire wood chimneys that are very welcoming during the cold months of winter.

Under the direction of José Luis Legorburu, Silver Medal of Touristic Merit, the place has maintained the conservation of the ambiance and dusted off a repertoire of Cervantine cuisine that is offered in their visitor brochures, turning the kitchen of la Venta into a pleasureful experience of good eating with their Gachas de Matanza (savory porridge),Migas de pastor(fried breadcrumbs),Mojete(Manchegan ratatouille), Salpicón (minced medley), Duelos y Quebrantos (eggs, chorizo, and bacon), olla (pot-prepared dishes) and other specialties, taking care to also offer the wines from the best Vineyards of La Mancha, to accompany the hearty dishes of authentic regional cuisine.

Venta del QuijoteRestaurante Venta del Quijote, en Puerto Lápice (Ciudad Real)Cuadro del Patio interior Venta El Quijote en Puerto Lápice (Ciudad Real)mas
  • Venta del Quijote
  • Restaurante Venta del Quijote, en Puerto Lápice (Ciudad Real)
  • Cuadro del Patio interior Venta El Quijote en Puerto Lápice (Ciudad Real)
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