Parade of Floats of the Festivals of September
Azuqueca de Henares (Guadalajara)GPS: 40.56159973144531, -3.268049955368042
For months the clubs of Azuqueca de Henares work hard to have the most original, attractive, and spectacular float of the parade. Only one will win, but for the spectator it will be difficult to decide which is the best; if it’s the one that just passed by, or the next… It is the best way to end the summer and to conclude the festivals of the city.
Festival of Regional Touristic Interest.
Varies. Third Sunday in September.
The parade begins at nine o’clock at night, and its route leaves from the street Río Henares, continuing through the streets of Alovera y Torrelaguna and Avenida de Francisco Vives, until it arrives at the Plaza de la Constitución, in front of city hall, where it ends. It is recommended to arrive at whichever place along the route ahead of time in order to obtain a spot and enjoy the best views.