Description of the party Moors & Christians festival in Valverde de Jścar | TCLM


Moors & Christians festival in Valverde de Jścar

Valverde de Jścar (Cuenca)GPS: 39.71870040893555, -2.22189998626709
Battles of verses and gunpowder to win the Holy Child
Fiesta de Moros y Cristianos de Valverde de Jścar
Description of the party

Since 1496, Verdura square witnesses the festivity start in a breathtaking silence. The one that precedes the First Encounter: Moors & Christians battle, perfectly portrayed, to posses the image of the Holy Child, in which the second are the winners. Boasts, taunts and mockeries out loud among the contenders. At San Marcos street the Second Encounter takes place, with Christian defeat and gunpowder racket. In the Third Encounter they dramatize the regret of the Muslim general, and the forgiving embrace of the Christian one. Afterwards, once the mass has been said, the Christian general delivers the traditional pep talk to the citizens, the running around with the flags and the thunderous uproar of the salvo with which the event ends.

Festivity of Regional Tourist Interest. 


From January 5thto 10th.


Tasting the traditional stew for this festivity is a must: partridge, dove, pork sirloin, boiled potatoes, boiled egg, tomato and hot sauce. Walnuts and a mug of wine along with it. The perfect feast after a battle.

Fiesta Moros y CristianosFiesta Moros y CristianosFiesta de Moros y Cristianos de Valverde de Jścarmas
  • Fiesta Moros y Cristianos
  • Fiesta Moros y Cristianos
  • Fiesta de Moros y Cristianos de Valverde de Jścar
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