![Fiesta de Rus de San Clemente](https://repositorio.turismocastillalamancha.com/miscelanea/170132/8/f2a0/fiesta-de-rus-de-san-clemente.jpg)
The festivities start on Easter Sunday with the bid of the frame for the Rus and Holy Cross Virgin, at Plaza Mayor square. Groups of bidders bid to get the frame through the traditional live bid system. Once the bids end, everything is set for the following Sunday.
The main day is a week later, the following Sunday to Easter Sunday, with the Virgin Arrival. The Remedio Virgin is taken on a procession to Rus hermitage (El Santo), 9 km away from San Clemente, where she will meet the Rus Virgin. There, they interchange the images and the Rus Virgin will start the opposite way towards San Clemente, where she will stay for 40 days and 40 nights.
On Whit Monday each image will go to its usual place, after meeting again, on a day of a more intimate nature known as Rus Day.
The images will go in a procession along the streets among compliments and passacaglia, or they are danced to the rhythm of the music during the walk, or taken in a sprint along the way between Rus and San Clemente… during both Rus pilgrimages there is racket, passion, music and races.
Festivity of Regional Tourist Interest.
On the following Sunday to Easter Sunday and Whit Monday.
The weekend before Rus day there is a medieval-Renaissance market at Plaza Mayor square and around.
After de images meet, on the Virgin Arrival day, people leave to have lunch and to enjoy Rus area. There, among other things, locals share with the visitor la cuerva, a traditional drink which main component is wine.
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