Description of the party Cervantine Days in Esquivias | TCLM


Cervantine Days in Esquivias

Esquivias (Toledo)GPS: 40.10340118408203, -3.7676401138305664
Description of the party

Since 1979, without interruption, the Cervantine Days are held in commemoration of the wedding between Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra and Catalina de Salazar y Palacios that took place in Esquivias on December 12th, 1584.

Already since the 18th century, there was documented interest in creating associations aiming to make the world know the close relationship of Esquivias with the life and work of Cervantes.

Nowadays, fostered by the Esquivias Cervantine Association and the dedication and eagerness of the residents, such relationship is remembered through a wide range of activities: presentations and book readings, theatrical visits, conferences, theatre plays, concerts, workshops, flea markets or gastronomic samples.

Festivity of Regional Tourist Interest


Days before December 12th.

Jornadas Cervantinas de Esquivias - teatralización /David BlázquezEsquivias Cervantes Don QuijoteEsquivias Don Quijote Cervantesmas
  • Jornadas Cervantinas de Esquivias - teatralización /<b>David Blázquez</b>
  • Esquivias Cervantes Don Quijote
  • Esquivias Don Quijote Cervantes
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