Description of the party Passion Play in Tarancón | TCLM


Passion Play in Tarancón

Tarancón (Cuenca)GPS: 40.010501861572266, -3.0064499378204346
Description of the party

As the night falls, and with the Tarancón streets turned into the Jerusalem ones by means of olive branches, lights, sounds, and sand, the re-enactment of Christ Passion, Death and Resurrection starts. People from the village, attired as in Israel in the 1stcentury, are disciples, women, soldiers, Romans, and act surrounded by an expectant silence. The performance includes Jesus Christ Triumphant Entrance, the Last Supper, the Prayer in the Garden and Arrest, Trial before Caiaphas, Denial of Peter, Trial before Pilate, Crucifixion and Resurrection.

Festivity of Regional Tourist Interest

Picture: Maria del Mar del Palacio


Movable date. On Holy Saturday.


Planning beforehand is recommended and also knowing in advance the places where the performance will take place: Mercado square, La Solana, Caño square, Cuesta de la Iglesia, and Constitución square.

Pasión viviente TarancónPasión viviente TarancónPasión Viviente de TarancónPasión Viviente de TarancónPasión Viviente de Tarancónmas
  • Pasión viviente Tarancón
  • Pasión viviente Tarancón
  • Pasión Viviente de Tarancón
  • Pasión Viviente de Tarancón
  • Pasión Viviente de Tarancón
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