Description of the party Easter in Chinchilla de Montearagón | TCLM


Easter in Chinchilla de Montearagón

Chinchilla de Montearagón (Albacete)GPS: 38.91859817504883, -1.7227599620819092
Passion chant from the 15th century
Semana Santa de Chinchilla de Montearagón
Description of the party

The deep and sad sound of theBozainas, wind instruments more than 3 meters long, with wheels to move them, fill the streets in Chinchilla every Lent Saturday, announcing Easter. In it, 11 processions re-enact the episodes of Christ’s life, being especially significant Good Friday in the morning, when the Chinchilla Passion Chant is sung. An anonymous romance from the 15thcentury, which recounts what happened to Jesus Christ since he was arrested at the Mount of Olives until his arrival to Calvary Mount.

Festivity of Regional Tourist Interest


Movable date: From Good Friday to Easter Sunday.


Music lovers will find especially attractive the Easter Concert. For more information about hours and tickets, please contact the town hall by telephone on (+34) 967 260 001.

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