Description of the party Easter in Ciudad Real | TCLM


Easter in Ciudad Real

Ciudad Real (Ciudad Real)GPS: 38.98609924316406, -3.927259922027588
Description of the party

Easter celebration reaches in Ciudad Real its utmost artistic and devotional expression, spanning from Passion Sunday to Easter Sunday. The 24 brotherhoods carry 34 paces of high artistic value and all brothers wear their tunics to round out the processionalentourage. The chapel music, band or group that also accompany most of the societies, or the silence broken by the drum beat, serve to create the so typical touching ambience of these days. Easter in Ciudad Real has been declared of National Tourist Interest.

A list of the processions with their paces, itinerary and times is included below.

Passion Sunday (Sunday before Palm Sunday)

Jesús Nazareno brotherhood was founded in 1725 at the now lost Dominican Convent and there, at the cloister, the procession was held. In the 19thcentury, with the convent’s expropriation, this brotherhood moved to San Pedro, where it kept holding its procession around the church. Nowadays this procession is held on Passion Sunday in the afternoon although it also goes out during this important week for the city on Good Friday.

Departure: San Pedro (18.00 h.) • Ruíz Morote • Hernán Pérez del Pulgar • Pilar Square (18.40 h.) • General Aguilera • Plaza Mayor Square (19.10 h.)• María Cristina • Feria • Prado • Camarín • Caballeros • Pasaje de la Merced (20.10 h.) • Merced Square • Toledo • María Cristina • Cruz • Paloma • Ruíz Morote • Entrance in San Pedro (21.30 h.)

Friday of Sorrows (Friday before Palm Sunday)

Dolorosa de Santiago Brotherhood, which goes out on Holy Thursday, makes an extraordinary departure every Friday of Sorrows.

Departure: Guardapasos (20.00 h.)• Quevedo • Cañas • Inmaculada Concepción Square • Lirio • Norte • Santiago Square (20.50 h.) •Ángel • Jacinto • Altagracia • Estrella (21.50 h.) • Elisa Cendrero• Calatrava • Santiago Square (23.20 h.) • Inmaculada Concepción Square (23.50 h.) • Entrance in Guardapasos (00.35 h.)

Palm Sunday

The morning starts with Las Palmas Brotherhood Procession carrying the image of the Santísimo Niño de la Paz, an anonymous carving from the 16thcentury, and the Misterio pace (1945, Christ; 1960 rest of images), or "La Borriquilla", representing Jesus Christ’s Triumphant Entrance in Jerusalem. Accompanied by sacred music in its itinerary.

Departure: Hermano Gárate School 11,30 h. • Ramírez de Arellano •Pasaje Gutiérrez Ortega • Alarcos • Pilar Square • General Aguilera • Plaza Mayor Square Balcony (Start of the Official Race, 12.10 h.) • María Cristina • Feria • Prado • Cathedral Balcony (End of the Official Race, 12.45 h.) • Camarín • Caballeros • Pasaje de la Merced (13.15 h.) • Toledo • María Cristina • Cruz • Paloma •Ruiz Morote • Ramón y Cajal (14.10 h.) • Pilar Square • Entrance at Hermanos Gárate School (14.30 h.)

The youngest brotherhood in Ciudad Real also goes out this day. Founded in 1999, Jesús Cautivo y María Santísima de la Salud brotherhood goes along Ciudad Real streets with its two paces: a baroque-style one with five images and the main figure, Jesús Cautivo, which depicts Christ’s Arrest in Gethsemane Garden; and another one, a wrapped-around canopy with the main figure, María Santísima de la Salud. The procession is accompanied by group and band music in its itinerary.

Departure: Marianistas School (Calvario St., 18.00 h.) • Paseo Carlos Eraña • San Miguel (18.10 h.) • Virgen de los Ángeles • Cantabria • Madrid (18.20 h.) • Islas Canarias • Paseo Carlos Eraña • Granada • Square San Francisco (19.00 h.) • Montesa • Pilar square(19.25 h.) • General Aguilera • Plaza Mayor Square Balcony (Start of the Official Route 20.00 h.) • María Cristina • Feria • Prado • Cathedral Balcony (End of the Official Race, 20.45 h.) • Camarín • Caballeros • Pasaje de la Merced (21.05 h.) • Toledo • María Cristina • Cruz (21.45 h.) • Paloma • Ruiz Morote • San Francisco square (22.25 h.) • Granada • Paseo Carlos Eraña • Entrance in Marianistas School (Calvario St., 22.55 h.)

Singular due to its team of women bearers, and because it was founded in 1992, the Coronación de Espinas brotherhood with its main figures, Santísimo Cristo Ultrajado and Santa María del Perdón, also goes out on Palm Sunday.

It starts at 18.00 h., finishes at 22 hours. Itinerary: Merced, Toledo, Rosa, Camarín (18.30 h.), Prado, Azucena, Reyes (19.00 h.), Postas, Feria (19.30 h.), María Cristina, Cruz (19.45 h.), Paloma, Cuchillería, Plaza Mayor Square Balcony (Start of the Official Race, 20.30 h.), María Cristina, Feria, Prado, Cathedral Balcony (End of the Official Route 21.15 h.), Prado, Azucena, Carmen square (21.30 h.), Caballeros, Pasaje de la Merced, Entrance in Merced (22.00 h.)

Martes Santo

Cristo de Medinaceli arch-confraternity is a subsidiary of the Madrid one, and its Christ image is a copy of the Madrid one, with natural hair wig, carved at José Rabasa workshop in 1950. The Santísimo Niño del Remedio also accompanies him, carved by Faustino Sanz Herranz in 1965.

It starts at 19.00, finishes at 00:30 hours. Itinerary: Departure from Ntra. Sra. del Pilar parish (19.00 h.), Carrión Road, Mata, Alonso Quijano (19.30 h.), Libertad, Juan de Ávila, Felipe II, Cañas, Inmaculada square, (20.30 h.), Norte, Santiago square (20.45 h.), Ángel, Jacinto, Toledo, Pasaje de la Merced (21.30 h.), Caballeros, Camarín, Cathedral (Start of the Official Route 21.50 h.), Prado, Feria, María Cristina, Plaza Mayor square (End of the Official Route 22.30 h.), Cuchillería, Lanza, Mata (23.30 h.), Carrión Road, Virgen de Begoña, Don Pedro Pardo, Entrance (00.30 h.)

Virgen de la Esperanza brotherhood is also from Pilar district. The Virgin carving, carved in 1953 at José Rabasa workshop, goes out with her traditional green and white colors.

It starts at 19:20, finishes at 00:50 hours. Itinerary: Departure from Ntra. Sra. del Pilar parish (19.20 h.), Carrión Road, Mata, Alonso Quijano, Libertad (19.50 h.), Juan de Ávila, Felipe II, Cañas, Inmaculada square, (20.50 h.), Norte, Santiago square (21.05 h.), Ángel, Jacinto, Toledo, Pasaje de la Merced (21.50 h.), Caballeros, Camarín, Cathedral (Start of the Official Route 22.10 h.), Prado, Feria, María Cristina, Plaza Mayor square (End of the Official Route 22.50 h.), Cuchillería, Lanza, Mata, Carrión Road, Virgen de Begoña (00.00 h.), Don Pedro Pardo, Entrance (00.50 h.)

Jesus walk toward Calvary helped by Simon of Cyrene is depicted by Nuestro Señor Jesús de las Penas brotherhood. This brotherhood, founded in 1992, has evolved until it has managed to become a hallmark within Ciudad Real Easter. It is the only brotherhood that goes out from a convent, RR. MM. Carmelitas, in the capital city, which helps to consolidate its austere, highly meditative, style. It goes silently around the city only accompanied by a chapel music trio (bassoon, clarinet and oboe).

It starts at 21.00 hours, finishes at 23.50 hours. Itinerary: Carmen Convent (21.00 h.), Azucena, Reyes, Paseo del Prado (21.30 h.), Cathedral Balcony (Start of the Official Route 21.35 h.), Prado, Feria, María Cristina, Plaza Mayor square balcony (End of the Official Route 22.05 h.), Cuchillería, Lanza (22.15 h.), Conde de la Cañada, Libertad, Cruz (23.00 h.), María Cristina, Toledo, Pasaje de la Merced (23.25 h.), Caballeros, Entrance in Carmen Convent (21.00 h.)

Spy Wednesday 

Silencio Brotherhood, which goes out on Holy Thursday, has two main figures: Cristo de la Buena Muerte and Virgen del Mayor Dolor. In former days only men could go with the main figures during the procession and, thus, women brothers decided to go out with the main Virgin image the previous day, on Spy Wednesday. Nowadays it is not like this but, as a reminiscence of this fact, such procession is kept.

It starts at 00:00, finishes at 3:00 hours. Itinerary: San Pedro, General Rey, Mata, Compás de Sto. Domingo, Lirio, Santiago square (01.00 h.), Ángel, Jacinto, Altagracia, Elisa Cendrero (01.30 h.), Calatrava, Toledo, Estación Vía Crucis, Carmen square (02.00 h.), Azucena, Cathedral Balcony (start of the Official Route 02.30 h.), Feria, María Cristina, Plaza Mayor square balcony (End of the Official Route 03.00 h.), Cuchillería, Ruiz Morote, Entrance in San Pedro (03.00 h.)

The Flagellation episode is depicted by the pace of the Brotherhood under the same name, with a mystery over a baroque pace, likewise the image of María Santísima del Consuelo, under canopy. Founded in 1983.

It starts at 19.00 hours, finishes at 00.35 hours. Itinerary: Quevedo, Huertos, Corazón de María (19.30 h.), Lanza, Cuchillería, Plaza Mayor square balcony (Start of the Official Route 21.10 h.), Camarín, Caballeros, Pasaje de la Merced (21.45 h.), Toledo, Jacinto, Ángel, Santiago square (23.00 h.), Inmaculada Concepción square, Cañas, Felipe II, San Juan de Ávila, Quevedo, Entrance in Guardapasos (00.35 h.)

Holy Thursday

Holy Thursday in Ciudad Real starts at night. Silencio Brotherhood goes out with its main images, Cristo de la Buena Muerte and Virgen del Mayor Dolor, from San Pedro around the streets of the city. It is the brotherhood that has more brothers in census and more Nazarenes on the street. The silence that goes along with the retinue is only broken by the drum sound that sets the tone of the bearers and by the grating of the chains that some brothers wear tied to their feet.

It starts at 3:00, finishes at 7:15 hours. Itinerary: San Pedro, General Rey, Mata, Compás de Sto. Domingo (03.25 h.), Lirio, Santiago square (04.15 h.), Ángel, Jacinto, Altagracia, Elisa Cendrero, Calatrava, Toledo, Estación Vía Crucis, Carmen square, Azucena, Cathedral Balcony (start of the Official Route 06.15 h.), Prado, Feria, María Cristina, Plaza Mayor square balcony (End of the Official Route 07.00 h.), Cuchillería, Ruiz Morote, Entrance at San Pedro (07.15 h.)

Holy Supper mistery is re-enacted by the Santa Cena brotherhood, the first of the so-called “pasionaria de Santiago” brotherhoods (name related to the place from where, at the beginning, Holy Thursday brotherhoods left in the afternoon). From this brotherhood, two paces go out: Holy Supper, with Christ and the twelve apostles, which is the biggest and heaviest pace in the whole Easter, and the Virgen del Dulce Nombre canopy.

It starts at 18:15 hours and finishes at 23:30 hours. Itinerary: Rectorado, San José, Santiago square (19.15 h.), Ángel, Jacinto, Altagracia, Estrella, Toledo (20.05 h.), Merced square, (20.25 h.), Cathedral Balcony (Start of the Official Route 21.00 h.), Prado, Feria, María Cristina, Plaza Mayor square balcony (End of the Official Route 21.45 h.), Paloma, Calatrava, Altagracia, Entrance in the rectorate (23.30 h.)

The moment in which Pilate shows Christ to the people, is depicted by the Ecce Homo brotherhood. Two paces compose this brotherhood: the Child, an anonymous carving from the 19thcentury, who is carried on two shoulders from the inside by a team of young brothers; and Jesus in front of Pilate, over a baroque pace, also carried on two shoulders from the inside. No other brotherhood in Ciudad Real uses this bearing system, a fact that gives it a different flow around the streets of the city. The drum is also the only musical element that accompanies the brotherhood as it has its own band, only composed by percussion.

It starts at 19.00 h. and finishes at 23.20 h. Itinerary: Departure from Guardapasos (19.00 h.), Quevedo, Cañas, Inmaculada Concepción square, Santiago square (19.45 h.), Ángel, Jacinto, Estrella, Estación Vía Crucis (20.25 h.), Azucena, Prado (Start of the Official Route 21.25 h.), Prado, Feria, María Cristina, Plaza Mayor square (End of the Official Route 22.05 h.), Cuchillería, Lanza, Conde de la Cañada, Libertad, Lirio, Quevedo, Entrance al Guardapasos ( 23.20 h.)

The third brotherhood on Holy Thursday in the afternoon is Santísimo Cristo de la Caridad. It depicts the moment in which Longinus crosses with his spear the Christ’s side. The beautiful Christ image stands out from the rest of the crucified ones because he has his left foot on top of his right one, just the opposite to the normal way. Santo Tomás de Villanueva Music Group from Ciudad Real accompanies the pace. Founded in 1612.

It starts at 19.15 h. and finishes at 23.40 h. Itinerary: Departure from Guardapasos (19.15 h.), Quevedo, Cañas, Inmaculada Concepción square, Santiago square (19.45 h.), Ángel, Jacinto, Estrella, Estación Vía Crucis (20.25 h.), Azucena, Prado (Start of the Official Route 21.25 h.), Prado, Feria, María Cristina, Plaza Mayor square (End of the Official Route 22.05 h.), Cuchillería, Lanza, Conde de la Cañada, Libertad, Lirio, Quevedo, Entrance in the Guardapasos ( 23.20 h.)

The Virgin image that closes the Holy Thursday procession is Dolores Virgin. It was founded in 1831 around the devotion to this representation of the Virgin at the same parish that houses her nowadays. La Dolorosa de Santiago goes out on Holy Thursday but also on Friday of Sorrows (Friday before Palm Sunday) when the whole neighborhood shows her their love and devotion.

It starts at 19.30 h. and finishes at 23.55 h. Itinerary: Departure from Guardapasos (19.30 h.), Quevedo, Cañas, Inmaculada Concepción square, Santiago square (20.25 h.), Ángel, Jacinto, Estrella, Toledo (21.15 h.), Merced square, Pasaje de la Merced (21.30 h.), Caballeros, Camarín, Cathedral balcony (Start of the Official Route 22.05 h.), Prado, Feria, María Cristina, Plaza Mayor square (End of the Official Route 22.45 h.), Cuchillería, Lanza, Conde de la Cañada, Libertad, Lirio, Quevedo, Entrance in the Guardapasos ( 23.55 h.)

Good Friday

The main day of the Passion Week in Ciudad Real starts at midnight, when Jesus Nazarene crosses San Pedro door accompanied by the gust of the bearers who carry him. The main image, carven in 1941 by Antonio Illanes Rodríguez, goes around the streets in Ciudad Real not only on Good Friday but also on Passion Sunday (Sunday before Palm Sunday).

It starts at 00.00 h. and finishes at 03.25 h. Itinerary: Departure from San Pedro (00.00 h.), Ramón y Cajal, Pilar square, General Aguilera, Plaza Mayor square Balcony (Start of the Official Route 00.50 h.), Camarín, Caballeros, Pasaje de la Merced (01.25 h.), Toledo, Jacinto, Ángel, Santiago square (23.00 h.), Norte, Inmaculada Concepción square 02.20 h.), Lirio, Libertad, Cardenal Monescillo, Lanza, Ruiz Morote, Entrance in San Pedro (03.25 h.)

On Good Friday in the morning the five brotherhoods that compose the “pasionaria de San Pedro” go out. The first one of them is the Jesus at the Mount of Olives mistery accompanied by the apostles John, Peter and James, and an angel that announces him his destiny. The accompanying music comes also along by the Santo Tomás de Villanueva Local Music Group.

It starts at 10.45 h. and finishes at 13.45 h. Itinerary: Departure from San Pedro (10.45 h.), Ruiz Morote, Paloma, Calatrava (11.30 h.), Toledo, Estación Vía Crucis (12.00 h.), Azucena, Carmen square (12.20 h.), Azucena, Cathedral Balcony (Start of the Official Route 12.40 h.), Prado, Feria, María Cristina, Plaza Mayor square Balcony (End of the Official Route 13.15 h.), Ruiz Morote, Entrance in San Pedro (13.45 h.)

“Mary meets Jesus at Grief street” is the passage that Encuentro brotherhood depicts with its pace, carried on wheels. The sculptural group of this brotherhood, made up of Mary, Mary Magdalene, a Roman and Jesus, was carved in 1946 at the Rausell y Llorens workshop in Valencia

It starts in San Pedro at 11.15 h. and finishes at 14.10 h. Itinerary: Departure from San Pedro (11.15), Ruiz Morote, Paloma, Calatrava, Toledo, Estación Vía Crucis (12.20 h.), Carmen square, Azucena, Cathedral Balcony (Start of the Official Route 13.15 h.), Prado, Feria, María Cristina, Plaza Mayor square Balcony (End of the Official Route 13.35 h.), Ruiz Morote, Entrance in San Pedro (14.10 h.)

Jesús Caído brotherhood is the third one going out on Good Friday in the morning. It depicts the third fall of Jesus with the cross on his shoulder and helped by the Cyrenean. The sculptural group of the pace carried on wheels is made up of Christ, Saint Veronica, the Virgin, Simon of Cyrene and an executioner, all of them a work from Luis Marco Pérez, an artist from Cuenca.

It starts at 11.25 h. and finishes at 14.25 h. Itinerary: Departure from San Pedro (11.25 h.), Ruiz Morote, Paloma, Calatrava, Toledo, Estación Vía Crucis (12.35 h.), Azucena, Carmen square, Azucena, Cathedral Balcony (Start of the Official Route 13.20 h.), Prado, Feria, María Cristina, Plaza Mayor square Balcony (End of the Official Route 14.10 h.), Ruiz Morote, Entrance in San Pedro (14.25 h.)

Tres Cruces brotherhood is the oldest in Ciudad Real as it comes from the former Cofradía del Santo Crucifijo de San Pedro (1599). The beautiful mystery is made up of the images of Jesus crucified between Dismas and Gestas thieves, the Virgin, Saint John and Mary Magdalene. The accompanying music is chapel music.

It starts at 11.40 h. and finishes at 14.40 h. Itinerary: Departure from San Pedro (11.40 h.), Ruiz Morote, Paloma, Calatrava, Toledo, Estación Vía Crucis (13.00 h.), Azucena, Carmen square, Azucena, Cathedral Balcony (Start of the Official Route 13.35 h.), Prado, Feria, María Cristina, Plaza Mayor square Balcony (End of the Official Route 14.10 h.), Ruiz Morote, Entrance in San Pedro (14.40 h.)

Virgen de la Misericordia brotherhood closes the procession in Good Friday in the morning. The brotherhood has only one pace, with the main image, Misericordia Virgin who, along with Alegría Virgin on Easter Sunday, is the only one that goes out without canopy.

It starts at 11.50 h. and finishes at 14.55 h. Itinerary: Departure from San Pedro (11.50 h.), Ruiz Morote, Paloma, Calatrava, Toledo, Estación Vía Crucis (13.10 h.), Azucena, Carmen square, Azucena, Cathedral Balcony (Start of the Official Route 13.45 h.), Prado, Feria, María Cristina, Plaza Mayor square Balcony (End of the Official Route 14.20 h.), Ruiz Morote, Entrance in San Pedro (14.55 h.)

The afternoon on Good Friday starts with the procession of a hundred-year-old brotherhood. Santísimo Cristo de la Piedad image depicts Christ dead and nowadays the carving is a work from Antonio Castillo Lastrucci from 1947 although the original work is by Giraldo de Merlo and now dominates the high altar of Ciudad Real Cathedral.

It starts at 20:15 hours, finishing at 00.00 hours. Itinerary: Cathedral, Prado Balcony (Start of the Official Route 20.30 h.), Feria, María Cristian, Plaza Mayor square (End of the Official Route 21.15 h.), Cuchilleria, Paloma, Calatrava, Toledo, Merced square (22.15 h.), Carmen square, Azucena, Reyes (23.20 h.), Postas, Feria, Prado (23.45 h.), Entrance (00.00 h.)

The Cross Descent depicts the moment in which Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus descent Christ corpse. The processional pace is made up of six images: the Virgin, Mary Magdalene, Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemus, Saint John and the Christ. All of them are a work by the artist from Cuenca Luis Marco Pérez.

It starts at 19.50 hours, finishing at 23.30 hours. Itinerary: Remedios Hermitage (19.50 h.), Cuenca, Estación Vía Crucis, Carmen square, Azucena, Prado Balcony (start of the Official Route 20.45 h.), Prado, Feria, María Cristina, Plaza Mayor square (End of the Official Route 21.30 h.), Cuchillería, Paloma, Calatrava, Toledo, Merced Square (22.30 h.), Caballeros, Carmen square (23.00 h.), Pedrera Baja, Callejon de los Remedios, Entrance (23.30 h.)

Angustias brotherhood takes out the image of The Holy Virgin with Jesus inert body in her hands. The carving dates back to 1944 and is a work by the artist from Cuenca Luis Marco Pérez. Accompanying the brothers and the bearers is the musical group Santo Tomás de Villanueva. Founded in 1943.

Start at 20:30, end at 00:00 hours. Itinerary: Merced (20.30 h.), Pasaje de la Merced, Caballeros, Camarín, Prado Balcony (Start of the Official Route 21.00 h.), Prado, Feria, María Cristina, Plaza Mayor square (End of the Official Route 21.45 h.), Cuchillería, Paloma, Calatrava, Toldo, Estación vía Crucis, Carmen square (23.20 h.), Caballeros, Pasaje de la Merced, Entrance (00.00 h.)

Santo Sepulcro brotherhood depicts recumbent Christ assisted by the angels. The carving that dates back to 1944 and is a work by the sculptor from Catalonia Claudio Rius is accompanied by the ecclesiastical and civil authorities.

Start at 20:45, end at 23.00 hours. Itinerary: Merced church (20.45 h.), Pasaje de la Merced, Caballeros, Camarín, Prado Balcony (Start of the Official Route 21.15 h.), Prado, Feria, María Cristina, Plaza Mayor square (End of the Official Route 22.00 h.), Cuchilleria, Paloma, Calatrava, Toledo, (22.45 h.), Merced square and entrance (23.00 h.)

Ntra. Sra. de los Dolores brotherhood, popularly known as Ave María, closes the Good Friday procession. This Lady of Sorrow under a wrapped-around canopy is a carving from 1940 by the artist from Seville Antonio Castillo Lastrucci.

Start at 21:15, end at 00.35 hours. Itinerary: Prado Balcony (Start of the Official Route 21.30 h.), Prado, Feria, Mª Cristina, Plaza Mayor square (End of the Official Route 22.15 h.), Cuchillería, Paloma (22.30 h.), Calatrava, Toledo, Pasaje de la Merced (23.20 h.), Caballeros, Feria, Prado (00.15 h.), Entrance in the Cathedral (00.35 h.) 

Holy Saturday

On Holy Saturday in Ciudad Real only one brotherhood goes out, Ntra. Sra. de la Soledad y Mª Stma. de la Amargura. This brotherhood has two paces: a mystery with the images of Holy Mary of Sadness, John the Evangelist, Mary Magdalene, Mary of Clopas, Mary of Salome and apalio de cajón(the only one in the city with this typology: a rectilinear wrapped-around canopy) with the carving Ntra. Sra. de la Soledad, a work by Luis Marco Pérez from 1945.

It starts at 17.00 h. and finishes at 20.20 h. Itinerary: San Pedro 17,00 h. • Ruiz Morote • H. Pérez del Pulgar • Pilar square 17.45 h.) • General Aguilera • Plaza Mayor square (Start of the Official Route 18.10 h.)• María Cristina • Feria • Prado (End of the Official Route 18.45 h.) • Camarín • Caballeros • Pasaje Merced (19.20 h.) • Merced Square • Toledo • María Cristina • Cruz (20.00 h.) • Paloma • Ruiz Morote • Entrance: San Pedro 20.20 h.

Easter Sunday

All the brotherhoods in Ciudad Real go out together to celebrate the Resurrection, each one of them with their own tunic. The mystery depicts Jesus going triumphant out of the sepulcher after his resurrection and two astonished Romans. It was carved by the sculptor from Ciudad Real Joaquín García Donaire in 1960. The Alegría Virgin also goes out, an image carved by Jesús Méndez Lastrucci in 2007.

Start at 12:00, end at 14:05 hours. Itinerary: Cathedral (12.00 h.), Camarín, Caballeros, Pasaje de la Merced (12.25 h.), Merced Square, Toledo, María Cristina, Cruz, Paloma, Cuchillería, Plaza Mayor square Balcony (Start of the Official Route 13.20 h.), María Cristina, Feria, Prado (End of the Official Route 14.00 h.), Entrance in the Cathedral (14.05 h.)


Movable date.


The recommendation is to accompany the brotherhoods on their entrance and exit of the temples and along the Official Route that all of them do.

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