Description of the party Easter in El Bonillo | TCLM


Easter in El Bonillo

El Bonillo (Albacete)GPS: 38.95100021362305, -2.538360118865967
Pure Easter since the 15th century
Semana Santa de El Bonillo
Description of the party

The sober and respectful spirit during the religious events defines El Bonillo Easter since the 15thcentury. Numerous brotherhoods take part with their Nazarene habits and cowls, in eye-catching colors, accompanied by drum and bugle bands. Many women wear likemanolas(Madrid women of the people, characterized by flamboyant zarzuela-type costume), with mantilla and comb, to accompany the 5 processions that go around the village.

Festivity of Regional Tourist Interest


Movable date.


La Dolorosa image is especially remarkable, as she preserves the face and the hands carved by the master Salzillo. During her procession, on Good Friday in the morning, you can see her in all her splendor.

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  • Semana Santa de El Bonillo
  • Semana Santa de El Bonillo
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