Description of the party Easter in Quintanar de la Orden | TCLM


Easter in Quintanar de la Orden

Quintanar de la Orden (Toledo)GPS: 39.59040069580078, -3.0406100749969482
Description of the party

Easter in Quintanar is monumental, not only because of its 20 very beautiful paces, but also because of the 14 brotherhoods and 3,500 Nazarenes who attend its processions. Alternating silences and music, and escorted by the brothers with their tunics and hoods, the images go around the municipality. Especially interesting are the Carracas Procession, which the Nazarenes carry and sound; the Paces Procession and, in every moment, the saetas with which some locals pay homage to the paces. Along with it, the music, and bugles and drums, bands create this unique Easter atmosphere in Castile-La Mancha. And Quintanar invites all the attendants to chocolate milk when the Meeting Procession ends.

Festivity of Regional Tourist Interest


Movable date. From Friday of Sorrows to Easter Sunday.


We recommend you to check the itinerary of the processions at the town hall web, in order to choose the place from where we will watch it, and to arrive to that place at least 10 minutes before the starting time.

Viernes de DoloresProcesión de NiñosDomingo de RamosVía CrucisProcesión de las CarracasProcesión de Jueves SantoProcesión de la CampanáProcesión de Viernes SantoProcesión de Viernes SantoProcesión del Encuentro del ResucitadoSemana Santa QuintanarSemana Santa QuintanarSemana Santa de Quintanar de la OrdenSemana Santa de Quintanar de la Ordenmas
  • Viernes de Dolores
  • Procesión de Niños
  • Domingo de Ramos
  • Vía Crucis
  • Procesión de las Carracas
  • Procesión de Jueves Santo
  • Procesión de la Campaná
  • Procesión de Viernes Santo
  • Procesión de Viernes Santo
  • Procesión del Encuentro del Resucitado
  • Semana Santa Quintanar
  • Semana Santa Quintanar
  • Semana Santa de Quintanar de la Orden
  • Semana Santa de Quintanar de la Orden
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