Visit Hito Lagoon | TCLM


Hito Lagoon

El Hito (Cuenca)GPS: 39.86130142211914, -2.6971399784088135
The Common crane's favourite wetland
Laguna del Hito

The main ornithological interest of the area is mainly due to concentrations of common cranes. This happens in two definite periods: towards November, durinj the migration towards the South, and at the end of February and the beginning of March, in the trip towards the North, where they own their breeding area. In autumn, up to 9,500 individuals have been counted, which give the zone international importance according to the criteria of the Ramsar Convention.

It has a bird observatory to enjoy.


In addition to the crane, during the wintering period the common teal, the pintail or the mallard come together; among others. It also holds mammals such as the hedgehog, the mole and the weasel. They live among a flora adapted to saline environments: fleshy plants, steppe and aquatic species.


Free access.  Guided tours.

On the Madrid-Alicante highway, between Tarancón and Montalbo, take a turnoff in Villavieja towards El Hito, in whose vicinity you can find the lagoon.

There is an observation itinerary conditioned for the visit, signaled by a series of posters. Suitability of the route: trekking throughout its route. Theme: route of botanical and fauna interest. Difficulty: low. Recommended season: late winter, spring and autumn. Duration: 1 h. Distance: 5.6 km. round trip. There is a bird observatory at the end of the interpretive trail and a visitors reception center in the village of Montalbo.

El Hito Town Hall – (+34) 969 130 151

Montalbo Town Hall – (+34) 969 130 001

Laguna del HitoLaguna del Hitomas
  • Laguna del Hito
  • Laguna del Hito
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