The Ardal, Tinjarra and Solana public hills of Segura river are near Yeste, among the Tus and Segura rivers valleys. They form a continuous forest unit that embraces the town.
The Ardal mountain is a mountain elevation reaching 1435 metres above sea level; and it is isolated; so, from the heights, you can enjoy beautiful panoramic views of almost the whole municipal area and part of others: North of Calar del Mundo and South of Sierra de Lagos, including Sierra de las Cabras in Nerpio and the Sagra in Granada.
The Tinjarra mountain forms its own valley of the stream with its same name, a tributary of the Segura River, and it also presents limestone platforms like Molejón de Paules, with beautiful views over the Segura river valley.
Apart from the beauty of the rocky escarpments and endless pine forests, the great difference of dimensions allows the existence of a very rich and varied vegetation species.
The vegetation is dominated by pine forests that are distributed according to the altitude and orientation; Aleppo pine in the lowlands;Pinus uncinatain the middle and Austrian pine in the summits. They are accompanied by oaks and gall oaks, kermes oaks, junipers, rosemary etc...; but the greatest botanical interest is located in the rupicolous communities associated with rocky walls. These communities have a high degree of endemic species adapted to extreme environments.
As for the fauna, it has a high herpetological interest for the presence of the Iberian midwife toad and the Spanish algyroides; in terms of birds, we can highlight the existence of golden eagles and Bonelli's eagles, rock thrush, blue rock thrush, red-billed chough. As for mammals, the Iberian ibex and wild boar along with herbivores such as deer, more present in the mountain range over the time.
The use of these spaces is multiple: exploitations such as cattle, aromatic plants, it is open to public enjoy.
There are marked trails and mountain bike routes each year. The Centro de Interpretación (observation centre) of Calares Natural Park is at the base of Monte Ardal.
From Yeste, along Fuensomera Street the ascent to Ardal hill begins, passing through the Centro de Interpretación of Calares Natural Park.
By the A-63 highway which runs from Colombo to Santiago de la Espada; access Tinjarra from the forest road on the right at km 3. It is a panoramic road which runs through the splendid valley of the river Segura and then enters the Zumeta river canyon, already bordering with the Cazorla Segura and las Villas Natural Park.
By the CM3212 road to the upper part of the Valley of Tinjarra. If you continue this road, you will reach Arroyo Madera Valley and the beautiful villages of Arguellite, Planel and Prados, in the foothills of Calar de la Sima, in Calares del Mundo and Sima Natural Parks.
Throughout the year.