Visit Tetas de Viana | TCLM


Tetas de Viana

Trillo (Guadalajara)GPS: 40.65950012207031, -2.5669000148773193
La Alcarria twin hills and ensign
Tetas de Viana

Tetas de Viana stands out due to the uniqueness and the representativeness of its geological and geomorphological values in the region of La Alcarria. Declared a natural monument, it covers an area of 115.63 hectares, and it is characterized by the majestic twin mountains with 1,145 m constituting the highest point of Alcarria.


Las Tetas de Viana overlooks a landscape of great variety, in which different forms coexist like the moors or "alcarrias" forms, platforms located at considerable height; embedded valleys, like the rivers Tagus and Tajuña ones; extensive flat bottom countryside, located at the bottom of the valley, next to watercourses; and slopes or hillsides of moors, with steep slopes, linking high surfaces of the "alcarrias" with the backgrounds of valleys.

Among the faunal community, there are colonies of crag martin and western jackdaw, in the limestone escarpments as well as, golden eagle and griffon vulture, species included in the "Catálogo Regional de Especies Amenazadas" (Regional catalogue of threatened species )

The uniqueness, representativity and beauty of the geomorphologic elements confirm the importance of this area to be declared as Natural Monument. In addition, these values have also motivated the inclusion of the area within Natura 2000 as a Lugar de Importancia Comunitaria (site of Community importance) (SCI) and Zona de Especial Protección para las Aves (special protection zone for birds) (ZEPA).


There are 2 hiking trails marked for the visit to the Natural Monument from Viana de Mondéjar and Trillo, respectively, with panels about the surrounding natural space.


76 km from Guadalajara, by the N-320 towards Cuenca, after km 32, take the exit towards Budía and Durón by the CM-2013. At Duron, take the N-204 towards Sacedón for 6 Km approximately to take the CM-2053 to Viana de Mondéjar. By the A-2, it is 90 km, take 101 exit towards Almadrones/N-204/Cifuentes. Passing Cifuentes and arriving at Gargoles de Abajo, take a turnoff on the left towards Trillo, through Azañón and Finca La Solana to Viana de Mondéjar.

From Cuenca: 110 km, by the N-320 towards Guadalajara to Alcocer, take CM-2015 on the right for 26 km, then take on the left the CM-2115.

Tetas de Vianamas
  • Tetas de Viana
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