Visit Bolaños de Calatrava | TCLM


Bolaños de Calatrava

Bolaños de Calatrava (Ciudad Real)GPS: 38.905601501464844, -3.6663498878479004
Its church, afflicted by the Civil War, unites the Gothic and Renaissance styles
Bolaños de Calatrava

Located in the volcanic field of Calatrava, Bolaños de Calatrava is a necessary visit along the route that joins Las Tablas de Deimiel and Almagro. In its urban center we can highlight the Baroque style Casa de Coca from the 17th century.  With regard to its religious buildings, the Hermitage of the Holy Christ of the Column, and the church of St. Philip and St. James, located in the Plaza de España, are a clear example of the transition from the Gothic to the Renaissance.


La Casa de Coca is the only noble house that is preserved in the town. It has interesting window bars and the family coat of arms, in marble, on its facade. Walking down Cristo street we can see other houses with a mudejar style and traditional architecture, with a central patio with a well and upper galleries worth of admiration. The hermitage of the Holy Christ of the Column, with a solitary nave and Latin cross floor plan, houses a beautiful Baroque altarpiece from the 18th century made of polychrome, carved, stewed wood, where the figure of Christ, the Patron of the town, is situated. Recently, during restorations, they have found some interesting Gothic fresco paintings. Lastly, the church also preserves a baptismal font from the 16th century, located in the presbytery.


Open access, respecting hours of worship in the case of the church and hermitage.


Take a little side trip to la Venta de Borondo, just 3 km away. This 15th century house was mentioned in Cervantes’ Quijote. Get your camera ready because the main entry door of decorated stone with attached columns is exceptional. 

Bolaños de CalatravaBolaños de Calatrava - EncuentroBolaños de Calatrava - EncuentroBolaños de CalatravaBolaños de CalatravaBolaños de CalatravaBolaños de CalatravaBolaños de CalatravaBolaños de Calatrava - Ermita del Montemas
  • Bolaños de Calatrava
  • Bolaños de Calatrava - Encuentro
  • Bolaños de Calatrava - Encuentro
  • Bolaños de Calatrava
  • Bolaños de Calatrava
  • Bolaños de Calatrava
  • Bolaños de Calatrava
  • Bolaños de Calatrava
  • Bolaños de Calatrava - Ermita del Monte
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