Visit Castle of Taibilla | TCLM


Castle of Taibilla

Nerpio (Albacete)GPS: 38.1416015625, -2.371890068054199
Bordering the Kingdom of Granada
Castillo de Taibilla

Together with a regional system of small fortified towers located in Yetas, Xutia, Turrilla and Vizcable, this castle allows us to appreciate the strategic importance of the enclave. 


From the foot of the hill of the castle, it is worth taking a look at the house-fort, of Arabic origin, and today an ancestral home, remodeled and habilitated, that controlled the passage to the fortress. The bulwark to the South and West sides of the hill preserve the path leading to the walls, with a complete defensive system of battlements and arrow holes. But the most notable thing is the tower keep, which had four floors in the interior, as well as a cistern in the lower part to take advantage of rain water.

Its historical importance was fundamental in controlling the neighboring Kingdom of Granada, of which the Order of Saint James had the responsibility since 1242, until the conquest of the city of Granada in 1492.


Access to the castle is open, and you can consult the Tourism Office of Nerpio, tel. 967 43 81 70, the hours of the museum located inside the tower keep.


The options for the visitor don’t end in medieval times, since you can also enjoy the Cave Paintings of Nerpio, declared World Heritage. Of the over sixty shelters, those of Torcl de las Bojadillas and La Solana de las Covachas stand out, at the head of the Taibilla stream.  

Castillo de TaibillaCastillo de TaibillaCastillo de Taibillamas
  • Castillo de Taibilla
  • Castillo de Taibilla
  • Castillo de Taibilla
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