Visit Hermitage of the Virgin of la Cuesta in Huelves | TCLM


Hermitage of the Virgin of la Cuesta in Huelves

Huelves (Cuenca)GPS: 40.042598724365234, -2.8842101097106934
Discover the Roman legacy in the middle of the Alcarreña Mountain Range
Ermita de la Virgen de la Cuesta en Huelves

This small town, with less than 80 inhabitants, is 71 km from Cuenca, within the region of la Alcarria. Living proof of its Roman past is the milestone found in its lands, currently on display in the museum in Segóbriga. Apparently it belonged to the road that joined Segóbriga and Alcalá de Henares in the year 98 A.D. Another example of this Roman legacy are the shapes of its hermitage of the Virgin of la Cuesta (or Virgin of la Antigua) that we can visit.


Located in the middle of the prairie, the hermitage was in its beginnings a late Roman mausoleum from the 4th century B.C., similar to that of Llanes in Albendea. Its tri-lobbed design with three semicircular apses open up to a quadrangular interior space. The whole building is covered in lime, which gives it a more traditional touch.


Inquire at the church or City Hall for the visiting hours.


A visit to the remains of the castle of Acuña, to one of the palatial houses that are still preserved in the Main Square, and to the church of Saint Michael the Archangel, where the Romanesque baptismal font is preserved, with saw tooth valance and beautiful rope edge. 

Ermita de la Virgen de la Cuesta en HuelvesErmita de la Virgen de la Cuesta en Huelvesmas
  • Ermita de la Virgen de la Cuesta en Huelves
  • Ermita de la Virgen de la Cuesta en Huelves
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