Baroque Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul in Madrigueras
Madrigueras (Albacete)GPS: 39.23680114746094, -1.7996400594711304
In the region of la Manchuela, 29 km from Albacete, we find this town whose first historical data comes from medieval times when it belonged to the Marquisate of Villena. During the Civil War, Madrigueras was an important enclave for the International Brigades, who used its precious church as military barracks and some of its chapels as cells. Today we can visit it and enjoy this enormous Baroque temple, built between 1777 and 1780 and belonging to the Diocese of Cuenca.
The church dedicated to Saints Peter and Paul has as an essential feature its complex cross floor plan that changes; towards the front of the church it is a single nave and yet, in the two sections towards the transept the large size of its chapels makes it have three. The Rococo facade has lovely Ionic columns and a large crest of loose stones. Lastly, its altarpiece is fairly recent; it was carved in the 40s of 20thcentury.
To enter, we need to keep in mind the hours of worship.
The 18th century fountain in the plaza preserves a heraldic shield that refers to Ferdinand VI.