Visit Church of the Assumption in Arroba de los Montes | TCLM


Church of the Assumption in Arroba de los Montes

Arroba de los Montes (Ciudad Real)GPS: 39.15610122680664, -4.541940212249756
Renaissance Church in Arroba de los Mones
Iglesia de la Asunción en Arroba de los Montes

Located in the region of los Montes, in the vicinity of the Natural Park of Cabañeros and 64 km from Ciudad Real, we find the town of Arroba de los Montes and its famous church of the Assumption, built in the 14th and 15th centuries, another example of the mudejar influence in the area.


The most remarkable thing happened while chipping the plasterwork - some interesting mural paintings appeared with diverse colors and representing all the scenes from the Life of the Virgin. It also preserves various beautiful polychrome carvings, which have come from nearby hermitages, such as those of Saint Sebastian, the Immaculate, Saint Barbara, a Crucified Christ, and Saint Mark. On its doors we can observe esoteric elements; for example, a five pointed star located on the North facade, the women’s entrance; and another star of eight points, common in mudejar constructions and located in the vaulted ceiling. These details and the peace that you breathe in while walking along its streets are the ideal excuse to make a short trip to this marvelous Castile-Manchego area.


Access is free, respecting the hours of religious worship.


Take advantage of the visit to this area to head to the Guadiana River and enjoy the beauty of the Tabla de La Murciana, and the spectacularity of the Estrecho de las Hoces. It is also possible to do this route on horseback. Additionally, nearby is the National Park of Cabañeros. 

Iglesia de la Asunción en Arroba de los MontesIglesia de la Asunción en Arroba de los Montesmas
  • Iglesia de la Asunción en Arroba de los Montes
  • Iglesia de la Asunción en Arroba de los Montes
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