Visit Church of Saint Peter the Apostle in Villanueva de Guadamejud | TCLM


Church of Saint Peter the Apostle in Villanueva de Guadamejud

Villanueva de Guadamejud (Cuenca)GPS: 40.224998474121094, -2.5055599212646484
This destination mixes the Alcarreño landscape and mudejar influences
Iglesia de San Pedro Apóstol en Villanueva de Guadamejud

Occupying the center of la Alcarria and 50 km from Cuenca is this lovely town of little more than one hundred residents. Its landscape between hills crowned with white limestone and clay gives this town a special charm, topped by its church of Saint Peter the Apostle, which still preserves some elements from its original construction in the 16th century.


The ceiling of this church and the Southern facade are the original elements that are preserved in this parish. The visitor can also see a tower, of a more modern construction, on the North wall next to the presbytery and the sacristy.

The highlight to see is the coffered ceiling, which covers the whole nave until the triumphal arch that leads to the presbytery. With a mudejar tradition, this cross beam roof has an octagon next to the presbytery and incorporates hexagonal panels of a Renaissance style in the pendentives that flank said arch. Other interesting elements in the church are the lateral altarpieces, Baroque, and the main altarpiece with paintings and carvings.


Freely accessible, respecting hours of worship.


Few are the traditional houses that the town preserves, but if we want to see one we’ll find it opposite the City Hall. Additionally, as in almost all the towns of la Alcarria, it also preserves the ancient wine caves and a lovely hermitage in the outskirts of tow dedicated to Our Lady of Guadamejud. 

Iglesia de San Pedro Apóstol en Villanueva de Guadamejud mas
  • Iglesia de San Pedro Apóstol en Villanueva de Guadamejud
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