Visit Church of Saint Ann in Castellar de Santiago | TCLM


Church of Saint Ann in Castellar de Santiago

Castellar de Santiago (Ciudad Real)GPS: 38.541500091552734, -3.2776401042938232
In Roman times the town held an important defensive position
Iglesia de Santa Ana en Castellar de Santiago

In the middle of the Sierra Morena, the origin of this town seems to be related to a defensive tower from the Roman road that joined Mérida and Zaragoza. Among its buildings, a pair of emblazoned houses from the end of the 15th century stand out with their coat of arms of the family owners. And it also preserves a pottery workshop that attests to its ceramicist past. In addition to all of this, Baroque lovers will enjoy visiting the church of Saint Ann, its main building of interest.


This church from the middle of the 16th century guards inside a magnificent carving of the patron of the town, the Christo of Mercy, from the late Baroque era. Regarding its architecture, it is made of masonry, with thick buttresses and it has a solitary nave and three sandstone porticos. The exterior is topped with a simple bell tower that houses its three bells.


Freely accessible, respecting the hours of mass.


The festivals of the Christ of Mercy, celebrated in September, in which the local people light bonfires in the street and set of hundreds of different types of fireworks in honor of their patron. 

Igleisa Castelar de Santiagomas
  • Igleisa Castelar de Santiago
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