Visit Romanesque Church of las Inviernas | TCLM


Romanesque Church of las Inviernas

Las Inviernas (Guadalajara)GPS: 40.87329864501953, -2.670830011367798
Las Inviernas, key stop on the Wool Route
Iglesia románica de las Inviernas

In the middle of the region of la Alcarria, along the Wool Route, we find the town of Las Inviernas with its little more than 100 inhabitants and located just 52 km from Gadalajara. Its proximity makes coming to visit its church dedicated to the Virgin of the Conception an easy task for travelers passing through the capital of the province.


The church is another example the Romanesque style in the province from the 13th century. It preserves the original South door covered by a Renaissance atrium and formed by three lovely archivolts with capitals decorated with plant and geometric motifs. Also observe the decorations of brackets. In the interior, we must mention its magnificent baptismal fount, also of the Romanesque court, with an ovoli decoration and small semicircular arches.


Aside from the mass schedule, inquire at the City Hall.


In the town we can also visit the hermitage of la Soledad and the old mill, which as been reconverted into a lovely rural house. 

Iglesia románica de las InviernasIglesia románica de las InviernasIglesia románica de las Inviernasmas
  • Iglesia románica de las Inviernas
  • Iglesia románica de las Inviernas
  • Iglesia románica de las Inviernas
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