Church of Saint John the Baptist in Camarena
Camarena (Toledo)GPS: 40.090999603271484, -4.116769790649414
Camarena is 30 km from Toledo. In this district there lived Carpetani, Romans, Arabs, and finally it was repopulated by the Christians. So testifies its lovely parish church of Saint John the Baptist, with a basilica floor plan.
The jewel of the church is its Main Altarpiece, from the 17th-18th centuries, dedicated to Saint John. It has a traditional layout with predella, divided into long sections and bodies with panels and the Calvary crowning it all. Also, in the right nave we will find the float of Nuestra Señora de Caridad, a splendid work of carpentry made of gilded carving with reliefs and life-size sculptures. It is a piece that dates to the 18th century and unique for its state of preservation and the perfection of its size.
Open access, respecting the hours of worship.
Other religious identifying traits of the town that the tourist should not miss seeing are the Hermitage of the Cristo de la Sangre, next to the cemetery, and the plaza of la Virgen de la Caridad, were the life of the town plays out.