Visit Palace of the Marquis in Chiloches | TCLM


Palace of the Marquis in Chiloches

Chiloeches (Guadalajara)GPS: 40.572898864746094, -3.1596200466156006
Chiloeches, a town in continued growth that preserves tradition in its streets
Palacio de los Marqueses de Chiloeches

The town is a stone’s throw from Guadalajara, just 8 km. The zone has experienced a strong demographic growth during recent years, as has the rest of the Corridor del Henares. We will see that the road that crosses the town determines its lineal structure, dividing it in half, which results in buildings on both sides of it.

Among the things we can visit there is the Old City Hall, in the Main Square, built around 1687. A mansion of two floors and typical Castilian design. The hermitage of Saint Joseph from the 16th century, and the church of Saint Eulalia of Mérida, located in a small plaza on the other side of the road. It is from the 17th century and is made of limestone ashlar.


Your attention will be drawn throughout the tour of the town to the House-Palace of the Marquis of Chiloeches, from the 18th century. It is in the outskirts of the town, near the hermitage of the Virgin of Solitude. It is made of brick and ashlar stone at the corners and it has some large windows with iron bars. At the main facade we can see a triangular gable with the coat of arms of the family.


Inquire at the City Hall.


Visit the Caserio del Albolleuqe, an agricultural village situated next to the Chiloeches road and the A-2. It is made up of the main house, the workers rooms, storage rooms, and includes a church.

Palacio de ChiloechesPalacio de los Marqueses de Chiloechesmas
  • Palacio de Chiloeches
  • Palacio de los Marqueses de Chiloeches
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