Visit Villar y Velasco | TCLM


Villar y Velasco

Villar y Velasco (Cuenca)GPS: 40.139801025390625, -2.402679920196533
Discover this collection of identities in the Cuencan la Alcarria region
Villar y Velasco

Cuevas de Velasco and Villar del Río joined their territories to give the Cuencan zone of the la Alcarria region an ensemble of unparalleled beauty where a little over 100 people reside. The town, on rough terrain, is bathed by the Mayor River and the Cuevas de Velasco River, and is located just 30 km from the capital. Distance won’t be an excuse that prevents a visit to its beautiful churches of the Assumption and San Gil Abad. You will surely fall in love with them and with the town, which will make you feel like one more neighbor. 


Cuevas de Velasco receives us with its church of the Assumption in front, as splendid and beautiful as when its construction began in the 16th century. It has a majestic tower of three bodies of height, the last one having two hollows on each side for the bells.  Its toll calls us to the interior of the church, passing through its beautiful outstretched door covered by a semicircular arch. Inside, we will find a solitary nave and lofted choir at the foot of the building. All the furnishings of the church are Baroque.

The church of San Gil Abad, in Villar del Maestre, competes in beauty. The changes of leadership during its construction ended with the current church we see now in the 18th century, with three naves, neoclassicist door on the South side, and a two-bodied tower with two hollows for the bells. Among its most valuable pieces we must highlight a gold-plated silver chalice, the Baroque altarpieces along the lateral naves, Neoclassical in the central nave, and an embossed silver processional cross.


Open access, respecting hours of worship. If you find it closed, ask at the City Hall.


The famous Spanish saying “Tanto monta monta tanto Cuevas como Villar” (meaning there is no difference between one and the other) is said to refer about these towns, since in both you will find beautiful places to visit. In Cuevas, a beautiful 18th century mansion is preserved with the shield of the Holly Office on its door. The ancient washing sites and wine caves of Muslim origin are other options. And in Villar del Maestre the hermitage of the Resurrection, a lovely building with a rectangular floor plan made of ashlar with a triangular bell gable with two hollows for bells, will delight its visitors. 

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  • Villar y Velasco
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