Visit Dolmen de Azután Archaeological Site | TCLM


Dolmen de Azután Archaeological Site

Azután (Toledo)GPS: 39.78609848022461, -5.128580093383789
The spiritual Neolithic age in stone
Yacimiento arqueológico Dolmen de Azután

The Tagus basin, in the municipal area of Azután, hides or shows, depending on how it is looked at, this enigmatic monument which is representative of the Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods. The dolmen has always been a topic of research and curiosity given that despite having a clear funerary origin, it has been researched as a signalising milestone of the territory and as an element of reinforcement of the clan’s identity.

Moreover, countless archeo-astronomical studies have tried to identify constructive patterns that associate them with the position of the stars. In this way, wrapped in science, astrology, superstition and magic, this chamber and corridor dolmen opens up our gaze and stays etched in our memory thanks to its grandeur and the features that have prevailed in its preservation. There are a total of 84 bowls, an anthropomorphic engraving, three lines accompanying square motifs and an elliptical design, as well as a big groove, upon 26 granite blocks spread out across the different parts of the monument: chamber, peristaltic ring, corridor and burial mound.

Our visit to prehistoric times is accompanied by the stone ornaments that position its remote past, whilst we recover from the impact of believing that such constructions were possible back then.


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Yacimiento Arqueológico DolmenYacimiento Arqueológico DolmenYacimiento Arqueológico DolmenYacimiento Arqueológico DolmenYacimiento Arqueológico DolmenYacimiento Arqueológico Dolmenmas
  • Yacimiento Arqueológico Dolmen
  • Yacimiento Arqueológico Dolmen
  • Yacimiento Arqueológico Dolmen
  • Yacimiento Arqueológico Dolmen
  • Yacimiento Arqueológico Dolmen
  • Yacimiento Arqueológico Dolmen
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