Visit Romanesque church of Cervera del Llano | TCLM


Romanesque church of Cervera del Llano

Cervera del Llano (Cuenca)GPS: 39.78260040283203, -2.419640064239502
Visit this Asset of Cultural Interest in Cervera del Llano
Iglesia románica de Cervera del Llano

61 km from Cuenca, and close to the Cañahonda River, this typical manchegan town stands out where archeological sites from the Bronze age and remains of other Roman settlers have been found. Among its architectonic jewels, the church of Saint Peter is a highlight.


Built in the 12th century, it guards among its original elements its Southern façade. This church has a solitary nave and guards as priceless treasures inside its altarpieces from the 16th century, dedicated to the devotion of the Wise Kings and to the Presentation of the Child, and also a group dedicated to the Sacred Family. These treasures have resulted in the church being declared an Asset of Cultural Interest.


Free access, respecting the hours of worship.


We find an example of military architecture in the Tower of the Palace, used nowadays as a private house, in front of the church.

Iglesia románica de Cervera del LlanoIglesia de Cervera del LlanoIglesia románica de Cervera del Llanomas
  • Iglesia románica de Cervera del Llano
  • Iglesia de Cervera del Llano
  • Iglesia románica de Cervera del Llano
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